
What is Indestructible?

Indestructible is a 5-night Bridge event designed to start a dialogue between your community and church. This online event uses SermonView's Virtual Hall to engage viewers into asking questions, requesting materials, and petitioning for prayer, while using high-quality content developed by the team at Faith for Today.

Indestructible will reach a new audience and invite new conversations with people from your local area. And, maybe the best part, you'll exclusively be connecting with these viewers from the moment of registration through every night of the meeting; ensuring that you are building real interactions and not waiting for leads to be passed to your church weeks later.


What makes Indestructible unique?

There are two major advantages to Indestructible.

First, Faith for Today has produced content that will reach a unique audience. Focused on the Blue Zone principles followed by Adventists, Pastor Roy Ice will explore the keys to living longer and happier. Each night Pastor Roy will introduce celebrities, athletes, and experts to help build a case for the lifestyle principles that Adventists already enjoy. Plus, he'll tie in the deep spiritual components of faith that allow people to find peace and a sense of calm in this tattered world climate.

Second, Although this show will have a national, high-quality feel, the player will connect directly to your church and your team. Every registrant, check-in and communication will go directly into your dashboard and be worked by your team. There are no call centers reaching out—just your church connecting with prayer requests and offers throughout all five nights.

What Indestructible is not!

Indestructible is not designed to share our doctrine but to share our heart and concern for the anxious, sad, and hurting in our communities. The offers from this event will look more like cooking classes, marriage retreats, and prayer than a deep dive into theology. The goal with Indestructible is less about information and more about building intentional relationships with new members of your community.
