Session 3: Activity

First 24 hours after the Session:
  1. For those who showed interest in starting a “Walk the BlockGroup, be sure to reach out to them right away. If you have a lot of interest, let them know you are working on organizing the group(s) and will communicate the start day and time soon.
  1. For those who requested the brochure, send the Digital Exercise Brochure that you can download here.
  1. There isn’t a specific call to action for prayer, however, prayer is always offered during each session, so be sure to respond to these requests too.
1-2 Weeks after the Session:

Here are some Creative Ideas we suggest as follow up resource for those who responded to a call to action during session 3.

Remember you are building relationships not just delivering an offer. Consider starting classes or schedule group gatherings based on the response you get on the topic of activity. Some options that may work for your community are:

  • Offer accountability support for those wanting to get more active.
  • Start a workout “Swap Group” to help give ideas of how to move naturally and get a “workout” done in easy ways.
  • Biking, hiking, fitness yoga, etc.
  • For those who may not be able to do as much physically, consider starting a “Mental Gymnastics” group (sudoku, scrabble, puzzle swaps, etc.)

Just make sure it is some type of group that actively gets together for hands on learning or engaging experiences to build relationships.

1-2 Months after the Session:

Offering a small group shortly after the Indestructible series will help your connection with your guests continue to grow or give you another reason to contact them if you haven’t heard from them in a while. Here are some suggested Small Group Resources or continue your Creative Ideas from the first few weeks.

Register your church group for a 5K

Gather together to celebrate your healthy victories (and to keep on track with your goals) by registering for a 5K. A great way to stay in touch and cheer each other on as you get closer to race day.

Get Creative

Many churches hold their own community 5Ks and combine it with an international food fair or healthy nutrition class.

Continue below to view Session 4 Suggested Connection Timeline and Follow-Up Resources