Session 5: Existence

First 24 hours after the Session:
  1. Respond to all requests for joining a local small group. Plan to start the group in the next 1-2 weeks and poll for the best day and time of the week for your group to get together. Then make it happen!

    Since this final session’s call to action specifically asks if the guest wants to learn more about “God’s character”, we recommend using the free video series from Loma Linda’s The Bible Lab: “God.0 Sessions” (Hosted by Roy!) so your guests can continue their spiritual journey with a friendly face they already know and trust.

    There are free downloadable study guides for this series as well, making this a perfect small group option. This type of video study session is a natural next step for your guests who may be struggling with understanding who God really is or wanting to dig deeper into their faith.

  1. There isn’t a specific call to action for prayer, however, prayer is always offered during each session, so be sure to respond to these requests too.
Bible Lab God.0

The Bible Lab put together six video conversations centered on God's character. These Bible Lab episodes will move your guests and inspire them to continue their spiritual journey. There are also six dedicated study guides for this series as well, making this a perfect small group option. 

Watch FREE!

2-3 Months after the Session:

Offering a small group shortly after the Indestructible series will help your connection with your guests continue to grow or give you another reason to contact them if you haven’t heard from them in a while. Here are some suggested Small Group Resources.

Enter the Deep

Enter the Deep” is a Multi-touch AppleBook experience that can help anyone lead someone to Christ through baptism. Has a new believer asked you for Bible studies and you felt a little stumped about where to begin? Looking for materials that have been field tested, on today’s generation? Looking for materials that are more age appropriate for ages 17 to 40-somethings? Just relax! Open your iPad, iPhone or Mac and walk your friend through the highly-engaging experience of “Enter the Deep.”

Interactive Baptismal Study Guide: $9.99

Buy Now

Have You Ever Been Lost?

Carefully written with a non-Adventist audience in mind, the author draws heavily from Luke 15, the Desire of Ages, and current stories. This is an easy book to read, but one with a powerful message. In the Bible we find hope for the wanderer, hope for the restless soul who is looking for something more. Assurance can be found even in a world of so much uncertainty.

Small Sharing Book: $2.99/$1.99 for 20 or more

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Bible Study Series

For a more traditional approach try the Breath of Life’s Bible Study series. This is an 8 volume complete set which includes one study guide for each of the 8 topics. These studies are great for individuals or small groups and each lesson is condensed and to-the-point so time can be used in discussion and reflection.

$2.99 per set

Buy Now

CREATION LIFE Bible Exploration

This Bible Study Workbook is perfect for small group or individual study. Author Chris Blake combines timeless wisdom with the latest wellness research, and the Bible comes alive. Along with fascinating stories, each chapter offers generous space for personal reflection. Readers connect to God through CREATION Life's eight timeless principles — Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust in God, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook and Nutrition. With CREATION Life Bible Exploration, you'll discover that exploring the Bible can be fresh, practical, captivating and healthy!

Small Group $14.99

Buy Now

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